Sample Projects

           •  Sandra Plaza Commercial Building - West
               Valley, Utah
                    - Storm Drain Analysis
                    - Right of Way Condemnation
           • US Bank - West Valley, Utah
                    - Right of Way Condemnation and UTA Light
                      Rail Impact
           • Draper Retail Center
                    - Right of Way Condemnation
                    - Site Impact Analysis
           • 40,000 Acre Property - Summit County
                    - Estate Apportionment
                    - Land Survey and Valuation
           • Taylor's Point - Taylorsville, Utah
                    - Right of Way Condemnation
                    - Storm Drain Analysis Analysis

           • Boundary Line Ownership Definition - Santa Ana              California
                    - Property Ownership Rights
Seismic Analysis Expet Witness

Infinity Consultants performs seismic analysis and modeling of all seismic bracing concurrent with pipe modeling. Conventionally seismic bracing is retrofitted into an industrial project after all MIP elements. It is very costly, time consuming, and hazardous to work in tight spaces afterwards. We integrate our bracing with piping supports with the structure and with the other trades. Initial installation therefore includes seismic and no one needs to go back after the fact.
Our licensed structural engineers have developed unique software for this purpose. It is based on IBC, CBC, OSHPD, code requirements.